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Know the Pension Fund Administrators (PFAs) in Nigeria

The Habakkuk

The Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS) in Nigeria requires pension funds to be privately managed exclusively by licensed Pension Fund Administrators (PFA).

The PFAs are primarily established to:

  • Open Retirement Savings Account (RSA) for employees.

  • Invest and manage pension fund assets.

  • Pay retirement benefits.

  • Account for all transactions relating to the pension funds under their management[1].

There are 19 Pension Fund Administrators (PFAs) in Nigeria as follows:

  1. ARM Pension Managers (PFA) Limited

  2. Access Pensions Limited

  3. Crusader Sterling Pensions Limited

  4. Fidelity Pension Managers Limited

  5. FCMB Pensions Limited

  6. Guaranty Trust Pension Managers Limited

  7. Leadway Pensure PFA Limited

  8. Nigerian University Pension Management Company (NUPEMCO)

  9. NLPC Pension Fund Administrators Limited

  10. Norrenberger Pensions Limited

  11. NPF Pensions Fund Administrators Limited

  12. OAK Pensions Limited

  13. Pensions Alliance Limited (PAL Pensions)

  14. Premium Pension Limited

  15. Radix Pension Managers Limited

  16. Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers Limited

  17. Tangerine APT Pensions Limited

  18. Trustfund Pensions Limited

  19. Veritas Glanvills Pensions Limited

Pension Assets

The total pension assets were ₦13.4 trillion in 2021 and grew to ₦15.0 trillion in 2022.

Based on market data as of 31 December 2021, Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers is the industry market leader, with 37.37% of the market share of RSA Funds.

ARM Pension Managers, Premium Pension and Access Pensions are in distant second, third and fourth positions with market shares of 8.72%, 7.27% and 7.23% respectively.

Pension Assets in Nigeria by Market Players - 2021[2]

Pension Assets in Nigeria by Market Players - 2021

PFAs in Nigeria are institutions responsible for managing and administering pension funds on behalf of contributors to the country's Contributory Pension Scheme. They play a pivotal role in safeguarding the retirement savings of Nigerian workers and ensuring proper investment and distribution of pension funds.


Source: [1] Pension Fund Administrators. Accessed on 17 August 2023 from

[2] 2021 Annual Report by the National Pension Commission. Assessed on 18 August 2023 from chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/


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