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Licensed Payments Service Providers in Nigeria

The Habakkuk

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) regulates the payment industry in Nigeria.

Licensed Payments Service Providers in Nigeria

The CBN has four license categories as follows:

  1. Card/Payment Schemes.

  2. Mobile Money Operator Licence Category.

  3. Switching & Processing Licence Category.

  4. Payment Solution Services Licence (PSS) Category.

    1. Payment Solution Service Provider (PSSP) Authorisation,

    2. Payment Terminal Services Provider (PTSP) Authorisation,

    3. Super-Agent Authorisation, and

    4. Payments Service Holding Category.

The licensed payment service providers under the different categories as of August 2023 are as follows:

Card/ Payment Schemes

  1. 3Line Card Management Limited

  2. Afrigo Financial Services Limited

  3. American Express International

  4. Mastercard International

  5. Payattitude

  6. Unionpay International

  7. Verve International

  8. Visa International Service Association

Mobile Money Operator Licence Category

Switching & Processing Licence Category

Payment Solution Service Provider (PSSP) Authorisation

Payment Terminal Services Provider (PTSP) Authorisation

Super-Agent Authorisation

Payments Service Holding Category

Lastly, following the implementation of Cheque Truncation, there is only one (1) Clearing House in Nigeria, which is the Nigeria Inter-Bank Clearing and Settlement System (NIBSS).

Key Payments System Guidelines


Source: Central Bank of Nigeria.


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